
Goal: Collect the HoloEnergy token in the middle and get to the exit!

Game setup: Each player chooses a blue tile to start on. Place a token on the gray tile in the center of the screen.


1. Each turn, players can choose to move up to 2 tiles or use their attack ability.

2. When a player stops on the HoloEnergy token, they pick it up. They must stop on the tile and not just pass through it.

3. If a player is knocked back by an attack ability, they drop the token.

4. If a player is knocked into another player, both are stunned. Players can be in the same tile. Next turn, the first player to move freely moves to an adjacent tile.

5. Players are knocked back based on the attacker’s direction.

6. To leave the map and win, you must end your turn on an orange tile with the token.

Attack Abilities

  • To hit with any attack, you must roll a six-sided dice and roll a 3 or higher. For attacks with multiple targets, you must roll for each target.

  • Teamate – Pistol – 6 tile attack range; must attack in a straight line; 1 tile knockback

  • Chumbud – Trident – 2 tile attack range; 2 tile knockback

  • Takodachi – Tentacle – Hit any two adjacent tiles next to you; 2 tile knockback

  • Deadbeats – Scythe – Sweep two connected cells next to you; 2 tile knockback

  • KFP Employee – Sword and Shield – 1 tile attack range; 1 tile knockback and stun your target


Use the WASD buttons to move. Click the left mouse button to shoot a laser and destroy the asteroids. Be careful! Even broken asteroids can hurt you! Press the space bar if you're panicked!

Collect the star for an invincibility power up and the cross for infinite lasers. Use them wisely as they only last a few seconds!

And lastly, the level (and speed of the asteroids) will increase every 5 levels. Get to level 10 to win!

Space Invaders!

Use the A/D button to move from side to side. Press the left mouse button to shoot. The space bar will release a panic ring. Try to destroy all the enemy ships!