Life, Time, and Death

Life, Death, and Time.mp3

You never saw Life without Time.

They walked together hand in hand

So often they seemed as one.

It was a discourtesy to Time.

For how could one see the Radiance of Time

When Life herself was so blinding?

It left Time unnoticed

Ignored or misunderstood by those who clung to Life.

Yet just as all things flow from Life to Death

So to does Time always part with Life to Dance with Death.

For while Time is Life’s Lover,

She never looks more Radiant

Than when she is dancing with Death.

Death and Time do not walk quietly side by side.

They waltz, tango and salsa and polka.

They jive, swing, tap, and lion.

Their duet is not quiet as they dance a top our souls.

Together, their steps can be needles in our hearts

As Death reminds us of Time;

As Death reminds us of the Time we will lose

And the Things we have lost.

But so to can Death and Time be the gentle thrum of a heartbeat

Reminding us of the trinity of our existence:

Life, Death, and Time.

Life and Death pay little heed to our mortal voices.

It is Time and Time alone who speaks to us.

Who seeks to converse with us,

That we may find that which we seek

With the little Time we have.

Life and Death,

Despite their blinding Light and complete Darkness,

Are but a Beginning and an End.

They are but mere events.

Time, whether quietly beside Life or deafening beside Death,

Is that which fills our lives.